
Did you like the Hemingway app? Would you like to use a tool that goes further? Then, take a look at an app called "Expresso."

Expresso works the same way that Hemingway does: type your piece, click a button and get feedback.

But Expresso gives feedback in the form of raw data. Then, it lets the writer choose what to change.

For instance, Expresso tells you how many of your words fall into different categories.

A writer, who likes to focus on metrics like these, will love this tool.

Here's an idea: teach kids not to use adverbs when they write. Let them write a piece; let them run it through Expresso; let them see how many adverbs they used. Then, work together: come up with ways to write it with strong verbs and descriptions instead.

Try it.


  • Computer
    • Windows, Apple, Linux
  • Internet Connection
  • Web Browser
    • Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, etc


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